Mitochondria in Synaptic Function
Synaptic function relies on mitochondrial energy delivery and calcium buffering at the expense of increased oxidative damaged to the organelle. It is hypothesized that a recycling mechanism ensures replenishment of damaged mitochondria for continued synaptic function. We are interested in studying these mechanisms in motor neurons, where accumulation of damaged mitochondria has been associated with denervation of muscles in diseases like Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
The figure depicts known molecular players likely involved in inbound and outbound transport of pre-synaptic mitochondria

Mitochondrial Permeability
We employ patch clamp, live fluorescence microscopy, and biochemical approaches to study how mitochondria communicate with other cellular compartments in normal and stressed conditions.

Mitochondria in Synaptic Function

Synaptic function relies on mitochondrial energy delivery and calcium buffering at the expense of increased oxidative damaged to the organelle. It is hypothesized that a recycling mechanism ensures replenishment of damaged mitochondria for continued synaptic function. We are interested in studying these mechanisms in motor neurons, where accumulation of damaged mitochondria has been associated with denervation of muscles in diseases like Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
The figure depicts known molecular players likely involved in inbound and outbound transport of pre-synaptic mitochondria
Mitochondrial Permeability

We employ patch clamp, live fluorescence microscopy, and biochemical approaches to study how mitochondria communicate with other cellular compartments in normal and stressed conditions.